If your database is created with FileMaker 17 or later, these fields are included by default. Making sure that every table you want to sync has a primary key, modification timestamp, and creation timestamp.Enabling the FMREST extended privileges in your security configuration.

It is not a plug-in, and does not require any software installation on client devices. MirrorSync is only installed on the server computer(s). For servers, MirrorSync allows a database to run in multiple locations, or to integrate different databases and make sure that changes to each server are reflected in the other server.
For mobile devices, users can sync the hosted file with their FMGo or Pro clients, go off network to make changes, and sync again when a connection is available. MirrorSync is an elegant synchronization product that can sync between any combination of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, FileMaker Server, SQL database (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or any database that supports JDBC), Salesforce, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon RedShift. 10 Distributing new versions of your application.9 Integrating MirrorSync into your solution.8 Preparing your database for use with MirrorSync.6 Three ways to get started with MirrorSync.